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Wednesday, 14 December 2005
New Pictures and Funny Faces
Mood:  lazy
There are some new pictures (old events, new pictures) and I added a few funny faces. That's it for now.

Posted by drewrg at 5:02 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 5:02 PM EST
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Monday, 12 December 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: New Pictures and Video
I have some new pictures of Emma and Rupert(you know where to find those). I also have a new video for all of you. Go and watch. The new pictures are screen caps of the video. The video and pictures are kind of old. There are also some new pictures of old events.

I just thought I would state an interesting fact: Dan had to learn how to have an Australian accent for his new movie. LOL.

Guess what all you who have read the 5th HP book, we find out who Luna Lovegood is soon. Let's be specific I have found out that the character of Luna Lovegood will be announced in early January. YAY! The candidates are down to 5 girls but they have been told not to tell anyone so if you hear someone saying that they are one of the five don't believe it!

I went to the Hot-Topic website and found a link to all things HP. You can get that here.

Emma and Daniel are up for Critics choice award for Youngest Best Actress and Actor. Sorry Rupert. See the full list here

CBBC has a poll every week for your Fav Celeb. So it doesn't matter if your an Emma, Rupert, or Daniel fan you can vote for them here Only one vote per day.

I will most definitely have some more graphics and some funny stuff sometime soon.

Posted by drewrg at 7:23 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:41 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 December 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: Graphics Galore
I am so excited. I finally figured out how to make graphics! Yay! That means that now I can make graphics. How cool is that? Anyways's, I will definitely be putting those up straight away. I hope you enjoy them. Just to let you know, my favorites are the ones of just Emma. There will be more soon!

Posted by drewrg at 12:17 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:25 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 December 2005
November 26, 2005-December 6, 2005
December 6, 2005
I need skilled (very skilled) webmaster to help me out. Please click here to read more about it.
I have some new pictures.

December 5, 2005
I know have that scan and translation that I was mad about a few days ago(read previous update). You can view the translation int eh Interviews section. You will also find the picture there. I don't have a lot of disk space on my account and therefore have to get rid of some pictures I might figure out a way to keep them on the site but for now they have to go.
Anyways on to the updates. I have changed the gallery page and the actual gallery so check those out. There are also some new pictures. I have added a new link to the Affiliates section and there is a new page. It is called Random. This page is made especially for things non-harry potter related. I think that's it for now.

December 3, 2005
I am so outraged!!! I found a scan about Emma and Daniel and the articles are pure lies. I translated them and I cant believe people would sink so low. There will be more later.

December 2, 2005
OMG! I can't believe it's already December. That's just crazy. Anyways on to the updates. There are many many new pictures. They are mostly of Rupert. Some parts of the site have changed so look on every page. If you have a webspage please link me to it if you can. You can find buttons in the site section (click link us).

November 29, 2005
There is some new videos and a few new pictures. We finally have the picture of Emma with the cool background like Dan and Rupert have.

There is a really cool website where you can get Harry Potter desktops, icons, and cursors. Check it out here and in the downloads section. That’s it for now.

November 28, 2005
Today is a major update day isn't it? I have even more news for you! I am extremely excited about something but I'll tell you about that last. Check out the gallery because there is a lot of new pictures. Same goes for the videos.

This is a funny link I found. It's funny lyrics of Harry Potter. Click.

I found a lot of interviews and videos with Rupert. Check out the videos and interviews section for those. I also found new pictures of Rupert and Daniel (a lot of them!).

According to, Goblet of Fire has passed the $400 million mark in box office takings. Goblet opened in many countries last week, taking in about $306 million worldwide over the week, bringing the total box office takings to a whooping $408.1 million!! Goblet is now ranked 72 in the All-Time Worldwide charts.

“Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is to appear in the second series of Extras.

He is the first actor to be confirmed for one of the cameo roles.

A BBC insider was today quoted as saying: ‘The idea is to blow apart the theory he’s a clean-living schoolboy who is a bit posh and portray him as a thuggish yob.’”

Now for the thing I'm really excited about! More news on December Boys. There was a press conference and you can view that picture on this page. Lucky us, the movie will open in the UK and the US. YAY! I will keep you posted on December Boys! There is also an interview and some pictures. Daniel talks about his first on screen kiss! Ooooo! LOL! At least he'll be prepared for the fifth Harry Potter movie. Hint, hint for those of you who haven't read the book.

Thats it!

November 28, 2005

As you may have noticed I have added a little something to the right. Please use it. Also if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see some other add ons. I've also changed the layout (duh!) This is just a small update.

November 26-28, 2005
Sorry I haven’t updated lately. I was sick and I just didn’t have the time. You’ll like today’s update. There is lots of stuff. First off I would like to remind you to donate to the charity (banner above). Here’s a list of things to check out:

Gallery- some new pictures

I thought I’d tell you a funny story about one of these pictures. The newest picture is an interview with Emma. I was looking at it and I realized that it was in Polish. SO I decided to translate it. The translation can be found in the interviews section.

Videos- many, many new videos

*New page- interviews

Interviews- old video interviews with Emma

-Interview with Rupert

-Translated interview 1

-Translated interview 2

I will post this in the gallery but here are two links to a Rupert Grint gallery. Link 1 and Link 2

In addition to Emma’s old interviews there are some old quotes of hers. Those can be found here and in the videos.

Please click below to hear some Emma quotes!
- Speechless at the BAFTA's
- Damn Good!
- Alan Rickman in a dress
- Fame
- Gary Oldman
- Punching Guys!
- Hermione's Boyfriend
- Role Model (interview from 2001)

Emma as Hermione Audio Quotes:
- Has anyone seen a Toad?
- .. Or worse Expelled!
- It's LeviOsa…Not LevioSAAA
- Don't you 2 read?
- Evil little cockroach
- Nice Dead Ferret!
- Is that really what my hair is like...
- He's a Werewolf!
- We save Sirius...

I think I’ve covered about everything! If not I will post some more later. Good-Bye for now.

I have to credit some people because they give me wonderful things to use on the website.

Jo from link to

-All Emma news, videos, and pictures. Thanks a bunch! You are my main source.

-Daniel Radcliffe news and updates.

Emma Watson is #2 on googles most searched list. She even beat harry potter itself! WOW!

Every month I am going to get rid of the updates. I will still have them but they wont be here. There will be a link to reach those.

Posted by drewrg at 4:30 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:24 PM EST
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