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Monday, 12 December 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: New Pictures and Video
I have some new pictures of Emma and Rupert(you know where to find those). I also have a new video for all of you. Go and watch. The new pictures are screen caps of the video. The video and pictures are kind of old. There are also some new pictures of old events.

I just thought I would state an interesting fact: Dan had to learn how to have an Australian accent for his new movie. LOL.

Guess what all you who have read the 5th HP book, we find out who Luna Lovegood is soon. Let's be specific I have found out that the character of Luna Lovegood will be announced in early January. YAY! The candidates are down to 5 girls but they have been told not to tell anyone so if you hear someone saying that they are one of the five don't believe it!

I went to the Hot-Topic website and found a link to all things HP. You can get that here.

Emma and Daniel are up for Critics choice award for Youngest Best Actress and Actor. Sorry Rupert. See the full list here

CBBC has a poll every week for your Fav Celeb. So it doesn't matter if your an Emma, Rupert, or Daniel fan you can vote for them here Only one vote per day.

I will most definitely have some more graphics and some funny stuff sometime soon.

Posted by drewrg at 7:23 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:41 PM EST
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