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Monday, 26 December 2005
Mood:  lazy
I'm sorry about the scarce news. I have just been so busy that I don't have time to update. One thing that might make everyone happy is the fact that I have done some more work on the new website.

After I get some rest I will post some real news.

Posted by drewrg at 9:14 PM EST
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Friday, 23 December 2005
New Site
Mood:  happy
Ok so I've been holding back on letting you guys see this but I don't think I have a choice now. I am working a new and better site. It will have a nicer layout. I am hoping you'll like it better then the currnt one. I will have the link to that soon.

Oh and for those of you who celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Posted by drewrg at 8:17 PM EST
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Thursday, 22 December 2005
New Gallery Section and Old New Pictures
I have started making an outfits section in our gallery. It will show mostly Emma's style because well shes a girl and she has the most interesting clothing. Dan and Rupert where similar clothes to each event they attend. This doesn't mean that they will be totally excluded. If anyone would like to take there outfits and make them like I did, your welcome to. If anyone sends me an outfit image of Emma, Dan, or Rupert I will add it to the gallery. Also I will be adding another section to the gallery soon. I'm sure you'll like it. After I add that one, I'm going to add another one. Be looking out for those.

I found some old pictures of Emma from a photo shoot and I really liked them so I'm going to put them in Emma New in the gallery.

More coming soon!

Posted by drewrg at 10:53 PM EST
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Wednesday, 21 December 2005
December Boy Pictures and Interviews
I have some pictures from December Boys, some old and some new! Check out the DB page for those. You can also see thumnails below.

I'm sorry to say that Hagrid might not be in the next HP movie. Read the full story here

Read about Voldemort here

Posted by drewrg at 5:05 PM EST
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Monday, 19 December 2005
New Pictures and News
There are some new pictures of Emma and Rupert. There are some of Rupert at a Foo Fighters concert from this Saturday

and the Emma ones are from the Elle Girl photo shoot.

There is also one more picture of Emma from entertainment weekly. Of course there is more then just this one.

Those can be found in the Gallery.

Goblet of Fire has beat Prisoner of azkaben in the box office. Also it as moved up 2 spots to #20 in the worldwide all time. Yay GOF!

Posted by drewrg at 5:25 PM EST
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Sunday, 18 December 2005
New Layout and Thank You's
Mood:  spacey
First off I would like to thank everyone that's been visiting the site. The daily numbers are rising (awesome!).

I will have some new graphics soon I hope.

Thank You for visiting and keep coming!

PS You have probably noticed the new layout!

Posted by drewrg at 3:59 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 18 December 2005 4:19 PM EST
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Friday, 16 December 2005
Few New Graphics and Some News
Mood:  cool
Hi everyone! I made some new graphics (one of Emma,Daniel, and Rupert). View those in the gallery.


Enchantment Casting, a British casting agency, has confirmed that the role of Nymphadora Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt have been filled since the early days of casting. Unknowns likely play them.
A known actress will likely play the role of Bellatrix Lestrange but we do not have any more information on her yet. Casting for young James, Lily, Lupin, Sirius, Snape and Luna Lovegood is currently in the final stages and will be revealed in the coming weeks.
Characters like Marietta Edgecombe and Lavender Brown may be cut from the film, as EC has not heard any word about these parts.

I think thats it for now.

Posted by drewrg at 10:17 PM EST
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Wednesday, 14 December 2005
New Pictures and Funny Faces
Mood:  lazy
There are some new pictures (old events, new pictures) and I added a few funny faces. That's it for now.

Posted by drewrg at 5:02 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 5:02 PM EST
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Monday, 12 December 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: New Pictures and Video
I have some new pictures of Emma and Rupert(you know where to find those). I also have a new video for all of you. Go and watch. The new pictures are screen caps of the video. The video and pictures are kind of old. There are also some new pictures of old events.

I just thought I would state an interesting fact: Dan had to learn how to have an Australian accent for his new movie. LOL.

Guess what all you who have read the 5th HP book, we find out who Luna Lovegood is soon. Let's be specific I have found out that the character of Luna Lovegood will be announced in early January. YAY! The candidates are down to 5 girls but they have been told not to tell anyone so if you hear someone saying that they are one of the five don't believe it!

I went to the Hot-Topic website and found a link to all things HP. You can get that here.

Emma and Daniel are up for Critics choice award for Youngest Best Actress and Actor. Sorry Rupert. See the full list here

CBBC has a poll every week for your Fav Celeb. So it doesn't matter if your an Emma, Rupert, or Daniel fan you can vote for them here Only one vote per day.

I will most definitely have some more graphics and some funny stuff sometime soon.

Posted by drewrg at 7:23 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:41 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 December 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: Graphics Galore
I am so excited. I finally figured out how to make graphics! Yay! That means that now I can make graphics. How cool is that? Anyways's, I will definitely be putting those up straight away. I hope you enjoy them. Just to let you know, my favorites are the ones of just Emma. There will be more soon!

Posted by drewrg at 12:17 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 December 2005 7:25 PM EST
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